
Join us on 11 September 2024 3:00-4:30 PM EDT to learn more about the Acquisition Process Improvement Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) PRIZE CHALLENGE!!

Human Performance Optimization & Military MS&T

Programs and Events

At Tech Grove, we are committed to growing the defense industry base, facilitating MS&T technology transfers, and solving complex military challenges. One way we achieve our mission is hosting in-person, virtual, and hybrid events. Our events let you connect, learn, and discover opportunities to engage in the defense modeling and simulation, training, and human performance optimization industry.

We bring together industry, government, and academia at each event to provide the best insights, education, collaboration, and connections around innovation in modeling, simulation, and training.


Events for Human Performance Optimization & Military MS&T Innovators

Explore our events for opportunities to learn more about how to engage in defense simulation and training below. Learn more about them, and sign up to participate in person or virtually! We need your innovative solutions and capabilities.Want an overview of our events schedule? View our events calendar here.


Tech Grove Programs and Events CalendarScroll down to the event cards below for more information!

Check out our calendar for upcoming events. 

See an event listed that interests you? View our event descriptions here.

Get Involved With Central Florida Tech Grove

In addition to our programs and events, we have other opportunities for you to get involved.

Share Your Capabilities

Do you have an innovative idea or capability that could solve the complex challenges facing our national defense partners and contribute to our nation’s military readiness? Tell us about your innovation so we can tell others.

Collaborate at Tech Grove

Looking to collaborate? Please share your needs and let us know how we can help. Tech Grove is not an event venue; however, our facility is available for national security agencies to engage with industry, academia, and other government entities.

 Request Use of Tech Grove