
Come join us for the NAWCTSD TableTop Exchange on August 1st, 2024 to obtain input on feasible AI and Machine Learning tools!

2024 IITSEC NBT AI Showcase

Hosted by NATO's Human Factors & Medicine (HFM) and Modeling & Simulation Groups (MSG) Panels

Showcasing the State of the Art in AI Applied to Military Training and Education

Application Deadline Extended to 11:59 pm July 26, 2024!

The recent proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has created new possibilities for training data analysis, assessment, and adaptive learning. Combined with advances in cognitive science, AI enables sophisticated intelligent tutoring, the generation of tailored training content, and improved fidelity in training support agents. These capabilities form critical pillars for adaptive and personalized learning that can improve the ability of organizations to meet training requirements and develop technologies and strategies for using limited time and resources to meet the specific needs of individual military personnel and varying team structures.

With these goals in mind, several research and development efforts are underway across the NATO alliance to mature capability that can scale across learning environments that address critical domains of operation. To drive collaboration and information sharing, a new Exploratory Team managed by NATO’s Human Factors & Medicine (HFM) and Modeling & Simulation Group (MSG) panels has been created (HFM-MSG-ET-218 "AI Applied to Military Training and Education).  The Exploratory Team is hosting this event to compliment I/ITSEC’s annual Next Big Thing initiative.  This smaller, more intimate event will provide a focused showcase of cutting-edge technologies (i.e., tools and methods) that leverage AI techniques applied specifically to military-centric use cases. The outcomes of this interactive event will assist in informing a Technical Proposal for a formal Research Task Group examining AI applied to Military learning domains.

The event will be executed in a 90-minute session that will take place in the Destination Lounge at the Orange County Convention Center. Proposed demonstrations must be in a format that allows attendees to easily interact and engage with leaders and experts in the field, as this event will serve as dedicated market research for the NATO Exploratory Team.

We invite government, academic, and industry labs to participate in this technology showcase. We are looking for military relevant demonstrations that link adaptive learning functions and services across distributed, immersive, and live training and education contexts.

A program committee will be set up with members from the I/ITSEC Next Big Thing Committee. The committee will select proposals based upon relevance to the Exploratory Team’s goals and expected interest to the I/ITSEC community. Commercial products are eligible, but sales and marketing activities are not appropriate.

To be considered for participation, complete the form below by 11:59 PM EDT of Friday, 26 July 2024. If you have questions, please contact this year’s Showcase Chairs: Benjamin Goldberg (benjamin.s.goldberg.civ@army.mil) and Diana Teel (diana.c.teel.civ@us.navy.mil)